You should install ONLY the Mac OS 9 driver. Keyspan makes both a Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X driver. We recommend that you use Logger Pro version 2.2.1. This device connects to one of the USB ports on your computer and emulates a printer port and a modem port. Keyspan Twin USB to Serial Adapter: (~$80) The Keyspan is our preferred solution, but we can’t guarantee that it will work in every possible configuration. All of the devices that we list as recommended work with ULIs, Serial Box Interfaces, and TI-Graph Link cables. Our test results are summarized below, listed by device name. There are several other options for getting serial devices to work on USB computers. You will probably need to rebuild your desktop after installing these drivers (see details below). These are included on the CD that comes with the Keyspan device, and updated drivers are available at Note that Keyspan makes both a Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X driver. To make a ULI or Serial Box Interface work, you will need:

These devices sell for about $80 each, and you will need one adapter for each interface.

We have tested the Keyspan on Mac computers and have had good results. For G3/G4/G5 computers, the fastest and easiest way to get your interface working on your USB computer is to use the Keyspan Twin USB to Serial adapter. This will not work on new Intel-based Mac computers. Note: There are no USB/serial converters that will work with the Serial Box Interface and Windows 2000, XP, or Vista. Since Logger Pro 2 only runs in “Classic” mode, and Logger Pro 3 does not support the ULI or Serial Box Interface, there is no way to use older Vernier interfaces on Intel-based Mac computers. Note: New model Macintosh computers starting in January 2006 using Intel processors do not support Mac OS 9 applications or classic mode. Please note that we are now shipping our new LabPro Interface which does not need an adapter, as it has built-in USB support. This document is meant to advise of many of the options we are aware are available. If you have an iMac, iBook, or a G3/G4/G5 computer that does not have a serial port, there are a few options available for getting your ULI or Serial Box Interface to work with it.